Free Marc Emery

Let's Bring Marc Home!


submitted by on May 29, 2010
BERT LOEHNER, Vancouver Sun
Re: Emery pleads guilty to conspiracy to manufacture marijuana, May 25
U.S. prosecutor Jenny Durkan boldly states, "Today Marc Emery acknowledged he broke the law." What she doesn’t state is he broke U.S. law and was never in the U.S. He was in the sovereign nation of Canada, where this crime would most likely garner a fine, rather than 30 years to life in a federal prison.
Marc Emery is a political pain in the ass. He is vocal and pushes the law to its limit to advance his cause. In the process, he gives B.C. residents endless political entertainment. If anything, he is the Clown Prince of Pot.
Let’s face it, the massive U.S. antidrug army has caught an easy target. The mere fact he voluntarily surrendered to authorities shows he is not the drug lord U.S. authorities claim.
I suspect Canadian politicians and bureaucrats colluded with U.S. authorities in his arrest and extradition. They were willing to compromise Canada’s sovereignty to get rid of an irritant. As a Canadian citizen, I would like to know who these people are. I feel what they have done is far more dangerous than anything Marc Emery has ever done.