Free Marc Emery

Let's Bring Marc Home!

LTE By Loretta Nall, Published in the National Post

submitted by on September 13, 2010
By: Loretta Nall, National Post
While I agree with most of Chris Selley’s column, I take exception to his assertion: “However asinine, the law’s the law.”
I live in Alabama, where it used to be legal to own a slave and illegal to help a slave gain freedom. We also had Jim Crow laws that prevented blacks and poor whites from taking part in the political process. None of those laws were just and, everyone who had the courage to break them were true heroes, as is [marijuana activist] Marc Emery.
Just because something is against the law doesn’t mean it’s bad and just because something is legal doesn’t mean it’s good, as former Alabama laws so clearly demonstrate.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.” Marc Emery clearly has the moral high ground on this issue.
Loretta Nall, Alexander City, Ala.