Free Marc Emery

Let's Bring Marc Home!

Prince of Pot set to be sentenced on Friday

submitted by on September 10, 2010
By: JEFF HODSON, Metro News Vancouver
Marijuana activist Marc Emery is expected to be sentenced in a Seattle court early Friday afternoon.
Emery has been held in a maximum-security pretrial facility since May 24 when he pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to manufacture marijuana. He is expected to receive five years in a federal prison, the term agreed upon in his plea bargain.
There is a possibility, explained Marc’s wife Jodie Emery, that the judge could award a sentence of more or less than five years — nullifying the plea agreement and opening the door for either the prosecution or defence to take Emery’s charge to trial.
“We’re hoping for the five-year sentence,” said Jodie Emery, who plans to join other supporters outside the courthouse at noon, prior to the 1:30 p.m. sentencing. “If he gets anything else, we’ll have to proceed to trial, that will guarantee a much longer sentence.”
Following sentencing, Emery’s lawyer, Kirk Tousaw, will begin the process to get Emery transferred to a Canadian prison by dropping off a treaty transfer application at the Canadian consulate.
Emery, meanwhile, cannot apply to leave the U.S. until he arrives at federal prison, a process that could take months, Jodie said.