Join Jodie at the CannaMedFair coming up on February 4th-6th in Vancouver, and the 12th Annual Hempology 1010 Cannabis Convention in Victoria at the University, February 20th. Jodie also shares possible election plans and news about Marc’s transfer.
The Canadian Minister of Public Safety is Vic Toews (pronounced "Taves"). Please contact Mr. Toews and tell him that you want him to support Marc’s prison transfer back to serve his sentence in Canada. Please be polite and respectful — but very firm — when contacting Vic Toews office. The best way is to write and send a letter to Vic Toews, postage free for Canadians. Write your own, or use the Repatriate Marc Emery letter we’ve written up at
The Hon. Vic Toews
Parliament Hill
Suite 306, House of Commons Justice Building
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Vic Toews can be reached by email at: and
Ask that Marc Emery’s transfer request be approved so he can serve his time in his home country of Canada, which will save the United States the cost of incarcerating him.
Here are some sign ideas: "AMERICA MUST FREE MARC EMERY"
Get your FREE MARC clothing and accessories online or in-store!
307 West Hastings
Vancouver, British Columbia
If there isn’t one in your town, you can hold a protest of your own! It’s easy to do, and you don’t need a lot of people. At the very least, just get two or more friends to go with you. On the day of this rally, have a little session and then get creative making signs!
CANNABIS CULTURE – Supporters of imprisoned marijuana activist Marc Emery will show their support in cities around the world on SATURDAY MAY 22, 2010 in the Worldwide Rally to Free Marc Emery.
As of Friday, May 21st there are over 70 cities on the list! Add yours!
1) Email with your rally location and info so she can add your city to the list!
2) Get one or many friends to plan the rally with you. (Read Marc’s rally advice below for a list of what each person should do.) Use Facebook or other means to find fellow supporters. Even one person standing with a sign sends a powerful message! "One person can undo the evil of several thousand people. You should never underestimate your power." – Marc Emery
3) If you are planning to occupy a Conservative Member of Parliament’s office, DO NOT ALERT THE MEDIA in advance or the office will likely close down. Call your local TV, radio and newspaper "News Tip Hotline" phone numbers (or emails) after you are inside the office. For any other rally, let the press know in advance so they can come photograph or film you. Provide a link to so they can read more about Marc’s case and the global protest.
We strongly encourage Canadians to hold their protests at the nearest Conservative Party Member of Parliament office. You can find the one nearest you by clicking HERE.
Get inspired by seeing photos and video of Conservative Party MP office occupations and protests by clicking here and here.
Marc Emery is a Canadian political prisoner about to be extradited to the United States for selling cannabis seeds on the internet and using the money to fund marijuana legalization groups. The DEA wanted him, and now they’ve got him ordered extradited thanks to Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada. Marc is just one of hundreds of thousands of North Americans imprisoned for marijuana.
Now is the time to STAND UP and demand an end to the destructive DRUG WAR and the imprisonment of non-violent cannabis growers and consumers! For more background information about Marc Emery’s extradition battle and ways to help bring him home, please go to
IS YOUR CITY ON THE LIST? If not, SIGN UP TODAY and start a rally for Marc in your town.
It’s easy to do!
– Go to and for photos, videos, and news coverage of protests so far
You should have at least 5 people to fill these roles:
Person 1 carries a big FREE MARC sign
Person 2 has a megaphone or leads the chanting
Person 3 contacts the media news tip lines
Person 4 takes photos and/or video of the event
Person 5 should openly posses cannabis if they are legal users
Pick the place for the rally first. The main courthouse in town is a good place. A busy intersection where you will be seen, or on the sidewalk by any US or Canadian embassy or consulate or a federal building on a main avenue are excellent rally sites. You don’t need any permits.
Posters & signs should be prepared and the rally should start at 2:00pm and go to 5pm. Chants should be developed; like "Free Marc Emery", "No Prison For Pot", "No More Drug War", "Stop the violence, end prohibition", "Register to vote, Win the Right To Toke" and, well, you’ll think of many, they are fun. Practice them before hand. Make your signs legible and clear, check spelling beforehand. People walking with signs while chanting slogans of cannabis liberation is fine for the whole two or three hours, but you can add speakers every 20 minutes or so to change it up.
Campaigning for Ron Paul in 2007, we learned that a sign saying "Google Ron Paul" was very effective in drawing passers-by attention to his videos or philosophy. A sign at each rally saying "Google Marc Emery" or something like that will be helpful in expanding awareness.
Signs suggestions:
* Free Marc Emery
* Free the Prince of Pot
* Google Marc Emery
* America Must Free Marc Emery
* Canada Must Bring Marc Emery Home
* Marc Emery = Political Prisoner
* No Prison For Prince of Pot
* DEA out of __________ (your country or town here)
* End Prohibition
* No More Drug War
* No Prison For Pot
The purpose of signs is to stir the mind of any passersby who might Google ‘Marc Emery’, ‘Prince of Pot’, ‘Prohibition’, or ‘Drug War’.
It is important to inform your local media of the rally and its purpose, why you support Marc Emery. Tell them the extradition of a non-violent Canadian to an American prison is WRONG! Address the fact the DEA (US Drug Enforcement Administration) is in your country also, and should be expelled.
One of the under-currents of a worldwide rally, especially with substantial US participation, is to ease the anger many Canadians may feel towards Americans once Marc is incarcerated. Improperly directed anger will be counter-productive to the cause. If American rally support is significant, Canadians will see Americans as fellow warriors and victims in the drug war.
The risk is that there will be a lot of unproductive America-bashing by Canadians after my sentencing and while Marc is incarcerated. Anger and indignation should be channeled against the governments that allow the drug war to exist everywhere on Earth, and towards the politicians that make these injustices and cruelties happen.
On September 10th, 2005 over 40 demonstrations were held around the world to protest Marc’s arrest for extradition to the United States. Locations included Moscow, Prague, Wellington, Sydney, Mexico City, Paris, and London (see more information about that protest here).
On September 19th, 2009 more than 100 cities participated in "The Worldwide Rally For The Prince of Pot" to demand an end to Marc’s extradition (see more information about that protest here).
Tell the government to end the War on Drugs and FREE MARC EMERY!
Keep checking this page for updates…
First of all and most importantly, please be polite and respectful – but very firm – when contacting the following people.
Secondly, strongly emphasize that Marc Emery is a Canadian citizen who never went to the USA and carried out his activities in Canada. If he has broken the law in Canada, he should be tried and sentenced in Canada, not sent to a foreign country to be punished under much harsher laws.
Try to bring up these important points along with the "Facts About Marc Emery" (listed below and at to help you better explain why Marc Emery should not be imprisoned in the USA:
a) Vancouver police investigated Marc in 2003 and tried to have charges filed in court, but the Crown refused, so the VPD admitted that the USA picked up the file to get harsh punishment for Marc in the USA. The Vancouver police worked with Americans on Canadian soil to create the US case. If Marc couldn’t be charged in Canada, he should not be charged in America.
b) The US District Attorney arranged a plea deal in January 2008 that would allow Marc to serve his time in Canada, as long as the Conservative government laid charges here in Canada, but the government refused. Again, if the government wouldn’t charge or punish Marc in Canada, he should not be charged or punished in America.
1) Contact your Member of Parliament in Canada or your Representative in the US Congress. Let them know about Marc Emery’s situation, and why you and thousands of other voters want Marc to be free in his home country Canada.
Don’t be afraid or nervous about meeting your representative! They are paid with your money to represent you, and their job is to listen to you and take your concerns to Parliament/Congress. Canadians: Meeting your Member of Parliament is something you should do not just for Marc, but also for the future of Canada (you should express concern about the "tough-on-crime" drug laws, like Bill S-10). Your Member of Parliament is in town every weekend to meet local voters, and that includes you — so make sure you get your voice heard amongst the anti-marijuana advocates who are visiting their MPs!
2) Contact the Canadian Minister of Public Safety, Vic Toews (pronounced "Taves"), and tell him that if Marc Emery applies for a prison transfer from the USA to Canada, the Minister should approve it right away.
Steinbach Office
8-227 Main Street
Steinbach. Mb. R5G 1Y7
Ph:(204) 326-9889
Fx:(204) 346-9874
Parliament Hill
Suite 306, Justice Building House of Commons
Ottawa. Ont. K1A 0A6
Ph:(613) 992-3128
Fx:(613) 995-1049
Lac du Bonnet Office
Box 266
Lac du Bonnet. MB R0E 1A0
3) Contact President Barack Obama and tell him that he should pardon Canadian citizen Marc Emery and let him return home to Canada.
Phone: (202) 456-1414 (switchboard) and (202) 456-1111 (comments)
Fax: (202) 456-2461
Mail: The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC
4) Contact the media and express your concern about Marc Emery facing extradition to the USA. Spread the story!
Write to the "letters" or "opinion" section of your local newspaper, or find a list of Canadian and US Media Outlets at
5) Wear a FREE MARC t-shirt, hoodie, or button.
Shirts, buttons and posters are available in the FREE MARC section of the Cannabis Culture online store (or in Marc Emery’s Cannabis Culture Headquarters store at 307 West Hastings Street in Vancouver, BC)
6) Download, print and share the FREE MARC logo.
Make this image into stickers, posters, stencils, whatever you can come up with to spread the word about Marc Emery and to help free him from prison!
• Marc Emery is a Canadian citizen who never went to the USA as a seed seller.
• Marc Emery operated his seed business in Canada at all times, with no American branches or employees.
• Marc Emery declared his income from marijuana seed sales on his income tax, and paid over $580,000 to the Federal and Provincial governments from 1999 to 2005.
• Marc Emery is the leader of the British Columbia Marijuana Party, a registered political party that has regularly participated in elections.
• Marc Emery has never been arrested or convicted of manufacturing or distributing marijuana in Canada, as he only sold seeds.
• Marc Emery gave away all of the profits from his seed business to drug law reform lobbyists, political parties, global protests and rallies, court litigation, medical marijuana initiatives, drug rehabilitation clinics, and other legitimate legal activities and organizations.
• Marc Emery helped found the United States Marijuana Party, state-level political parties, and international political parties in countries such as Israel and New Zealand.
• Marc Emery has been known as a book seller and activist in Canada for 30 years, fighting against censorship laws and other social issues long before he became a drug law reform activist.
• Marc Emery has been a media figure for 20 years with regards to marijuana and drug law reform. He is very well-known to Canadian, American and international news media organizations.
• Marc Emery operated his business in full transparency and honesty since its inception in 1994, even sending his marijuana seed catalogue inside his magazine "Cannabis Culture" to each Member of Parliament in Canada every two months for years.
• The US Drug Enforcement Administration admitted in a press release from Administrator Karen Tandy that his July 29th, 2005 arrest was based on drug legalization efforts — a copy of the document can be viewed at —
"Today’s DEA arrest of Marc Scott Emery, publisher of Cannabis Culture Magazine, and the founder of a marijuana legalization group — is a significant blow not only to the marijuana trafficking trade in the U.S. and Canada, but also to the marijuana legalization movement. His marijuana trade and propagandist marijuana magazine have generated nearly $5 million a year in profits that bolstered his trafficking efforts, but those have gone up in smoke today. Emery and his organization had been designated as one of the Attorney General’s most wanted international drug trafficking organizational targets — one of only 46 in the world and the only one from Canada. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of Emery’s illicit profits are known to have been channeled to marijuana legalization groups active in the United States and Canada. Drug legalization lobbyists now have one less pot of money to rely on."