Free Marc Emery

Let's Bring Marc Home!

The Jodie Emery Show – December 30, 2011

submitted by on January 6, 2012

Marc sends Jodie a beautiful Christmas card hand made in prison. Marc has 922 days left on his sentence he serving in Yazoo, Mississippi. To write him a letter or send a card, got to:

Go to and to read Marc's Christmas prison blog "It's A Wonderful Life", where he shares touching stories from people who have written to him, and reflects on the positive things in life. Read the blog here:

Ron Paul will end the drug war and do so much more to save America and end the corruption and problems with the current government – he deserves your support. Go to: and read Marc's blog about why you should support Ron Paul here:

Jodie picks the winners of her weekly freebie giveaway! Enter this week with your name and shirt size by emailing for a FREE MARC t-shirt and more – tune in for regular weekly giveaways to thank you for your support!

Keep right up to date every day with Jodie and Marc at:

Watch thousands of hours of Pot TV at:

Have a happy and healthy New Year!

Marc Emery update by Jodie Emery, January 20th 2011

submitted by on January 22, 2011
Jodie shares a (very!) early Valentine from Marc, shows the petitions and letters collected so far for Marc’s transfer to Canada, tells us about her recent special three-day visit with him and meeting the prison warden, and explains how you can help Marc by writing letters to get him home quickly. Also, attend the Vancouver Canna Med Fair on February 4th-6th!